Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Disney for Cheapskates #2 - TICKETS

Disney tickets will always be one of your biggest expenses on a Disney World trip. It is what it is and we all pay it so blah.

I have scoured the internet and forums for any way to make this expense at least a little less for my gang. There are definitely places that claim they have cheap tickets but I am too chicken to use them. I can’t imagine showing up the big day and getting rejected because you have a bad ticket!! Man that would suck!! 

Florida residents get pretty good deals too and trust me, I thought about every way imaginable to “get away” with getting and using these cheaper tickets but in the end …I’m a big chicken and can’t do it because I would hate to be the one person trying to get off cheap and ruin it for everyone doing it legit like. 

So here is what I came up with:

Buying them outright from Disney is going to cost us $953.19

Buying from Undercover Tourist : $ 944.85

So then I remembered Six Flags tickets we got on the arsenal one year. Dad went and bought them and we used them. They have Disney tickets too!! And you are very much able to use the regular tickets without a member of the armed forces present!! (It is not the heavily discounted tickets that they can use but still less expensive and no tax)

Buying on base : $875

Then I did more research…..

Ok , there are websites dedicated to selling gift cards at a discount. Look at target ones!! You can usually save 7% on the face value when you purchase them. PURCHASE THEM!! Lol

Step 2: Go to target and use these gift cards to buy Disney gift cards !!

Step 3: make sure you have your Target Redcard for another 5% discount.

Step 4: Go to the Disney website and buy your tickets with the Disney gift cards!!

I haven’t DONE this yet but it is all over the internet and if it works I will pay $838.81 for two adult and one child 4 day pass!! 

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