***Also, as I am religious I do not mean, in any way, that I believe ALL Christians feel like this or stand for this. I know there are some sensible Christians. And the ones that aren't you know who you are. So let's continue.
This morning my radio ended up on the Rick and Bubba
show. Not only was I disgusted, angry and appalled at the conversation it has
stuck with me this entire morning. The conversation was about several things
but what REALLY got my goat was the discussion surrounding cake. Yep…cake. Well
more accurately the fact that government has no right to force private business
owners to provide service to anyone that goes against their Christian beliefs
by being gay.
First, I really thought this was over years ago.
Religious, discriminatory bakers refuse to do their job and provide a wedding
cake to a couple. Couple sues and wins. The end. But noooooo…..The good Christian
crusaders want their rights protected regardless of who else they have to
trample on to get it.
I wonder like REALLY wonder if any of these “people” that
believe you have a right to be a complete asshole to someone because you feel
like they are immoral or just not as good as you are or because you possibly misinterpreted
a book are African American? Doubt it. Women? Oh please say no women feel like
this!!?? Ok..I know they do and that
always floors me. (See further down why
this pisses me off to no end)
Are these
douchebags that hide behind a religion and our God so they feel protected and
feel free to discriminate against people unaware of segregation? Do they not
realize that when their children or children’s children (God I hope it doesn’t
take that long! ) look back and think
about what their parents did and said it will be EXACTLY the same way we think
of all those racist assholes from back in the 50’s talking about how “colored
people” should be able to sit next to them in a diner? I can hear them now.
Grandpa : That gay person shouldn’t be allowed cake. My
God tells me not to accept them!!
Grandchild: “Oh
you’ll have to excuse Grandpa. He came from a different time. Please ignore his
homophobic old ass.”
We are still fighting racism to this day. But because the majority of society stood up
and told the ignorant Christians to shut the fuck up it is getting better.
And you women folk. For fucks sake!! You do realize that
not too long ago you weren’t allowed to vote or own land??? You were basically
sold to the highest bidder for marriage!!
Pretty sure you didn’t get much say in that wedding cake. Someone fought
for you to have those rights. Someone stood up and said this isn’t right! A lot
of people said it was perfectly legit for women to be treated like property. They were idiots. And *gasp* more than likely religious people
that used the Bible as their basis for women being less than men and not
deserving of basic human rights.
Again, we are STILL fighting for equal rights to this
STAHP!!! It is ridiculous.
"Those Who Do Not Learn History Are Doomed To Repeat It” - George Santayana
Damnit people! We have been there, done this. It doesn’t
end well for you. You end up tucking your tail between your legs and scooting
back into your church all butthurt.
Let’s say that somehow the ones fighting for the right to
be prejudice against homosexuals have forgotten about these last Civil Rights
movements.( I know reading that Bible takes a lot of time and brain power) .Or
somehow don’t see the similarities between then and now. There is a little
document that they should read. It is known as the Declaration of Independence.
Not too far down is this little gem:
hold these truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal,
that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that
among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.”
THIS RIGHT HERE states very clearly that
the government and its people are NOT going to allow anyone to be treated as
unequal. EVERYONE has the right to Life, Liberty , and the pursuit of
happiness. And I don’t know what if anything is happier than some fucking
wedding cake on the day you are marrying your soulmate.
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