Tuesday, May 27, 2014
I use that term loosely as I seem to be able to walk faster than I can run.
I've ran this year. One 5 k in which I did my worst time in history but I was dragging an unruly and tired 7 year old with me. I am so proud that BOTH of us finished and she is actually asking me about the next one but it was HARD to get through it.
My race watch battery is dead, I have no clue where all my other running gear is besides my sneakers and I am apparently very much out of shape which I realized yesterday doing yard work.
The manfriend made a comment (while I sat on the couch dying) about how I use to run 3 miles everyday and had actually got up to 9 miles at one time before I stopped. Yes, that 9 miles took me nearly 2 hours but dang it, I did it!
My best 3k time was 38 minutes. And after that one I felt like I should have pushed myself more. Like I knew I could do better. I actually ALWAYS feel like that after running. It's like I can't get my mind into pushing myself during the actual run...but I'm willing to try again.
I'm looking forward to kicking butt again!!
Friday, May 23, 2014
So today was the last day of school in my area. My daughter and I opted to let her stay home with her Aunt Sissy and "skip" it. I've also decided to let her "skip" public school all together and will be homeschooling her next year. I know me, and I'm terrified. I know I get my mind set on something and I do it and then the boredom sets in. What if it happens with this? What if halfway through I'm like "F it!" and fail my own child? THAT IS TERRIFYING!!! But I'm going to do it.
I'm also thinking of becoming more hippie like. Yep. Moving closer to my dream of living off the grid. We already have the garden started. The manfriend has done WONDERFUL on it!!! I will update with pictures once I get home today.
And my friend is going to teach me about canning foods so none of the awesome goodness of the fresh veggies and fruits go to waste.
I'm looking for ways to save money, cut corners, and slide off the grid. Unfortunately most of the google searches I do (ex: 100 ways to save money, Frugal living etc etc) are lists of things there is NO way I could do or I already do. Seriously...I'm pretty cheap. Ok...I am am REALLY, REALLY cheap. I have dug out my e-cig though and am attempting to quit smoking again. It is really the only BIG money saver I can do right now. I guess I could cut out drinking...bahahahhahaa. No.
I'm researching ways to cut down on my utility bill. Mom swears by her bubble wrapped windows.
I am going to research cheaper means of cable or being able to watch all our favorite tv shows. Can't miss the final season of Sons of Anarchy!!
Just a bunch of little things and big changes going on in my neck of the woods right now. Wish me luck!!
PS- Still weighing in at like 164. I got down to 163 for half a second earlier this week but nope. That is gone for now. Ugh.